ADACX data report tool

Hi All,

Lately, we have had a few requests for a reporting tool that displays your newly generated ADAC xml file for review.

We have done some work and now have a basic, stand alone version available for free download for anyone to use ->
the report tool does not need a CAD system or ADACX to run, just extract the file to somewhere handy (say C:\ADACX\Support) and create a link to the desktop if you will be using it often for convenience.

In it's current version it uses the built in 'style' and we plan to make this customisable by allowing the user to specify there own CSS (cascading style sheet) file.
This will allow users to customise things like fonts, colors and layout to suit company standards.

If you have any questions feel free to call Mick on 0417 029 459 for prompt support.

-- The ADACX team.